
Well, it’s into July now, and I’m still hanging out at home… trying not to go completely stir crazy, and get things accomplished.

I’m into the last 20 hyperbaric treatments at Advent Health. And. I’m waiting patiently for the orthopedic shoes to come in so I can start moving around a little better. Will be seeing wound care doc next Thursday, and podiatrist on the 4th, so thongs seem to be slowly lumbering along.

I know I haven’t done much on the gaming front. I really should be posting more videos, but honestly the Hyperbarics wear me out. Get super hungry after the treatment, and then just pass out for several hours after eating. It’s not a fun ride, really. But, it’ll be all said and done soon.

Hopefully this weekend, I can get in and do a short stream, and get it up for everyone to see. Until then, just hang in, and keep yourselves together. And remember to love one another. Because God knows with everything going on, we sure need to do that.

More later…


Well, I know it’s been a while, but not much has really changed. Still just hanging out at home, and trying to get the foot better, so I can figure out where to go from here.

I finally got all of the gaming videos posted here on the blog. Hopefully soon, there’ll be more for you all to see. It’s been a little rough lately to get much done, with the Hyperbaric Chamber treatments going on. I get really tired in the evenings after coming home. So, honestly, I’m usually in bed by no later than 9pm. It just happens that today is Sunday, and I got the chance to get some rest last night.

I’m honestly trying to get away from posting a lot on Facebook. I really want to take control of the content I do post. Facebook’s TOS says in essence, if you post it, we own it. So, I’m slowly moving to posting my own content on my own space and getting away from the titans of social media.

I’ve also been looking for several months to try and spruce the theme up for the blog, and I think I FINALLY got what I was looking for. So, let me know what you think of the new theme in the comments!

Hopefully, you all will be seeing tons more from me soon. I really am trying to get back to doing what I feel like I’m good at. And hopefully, we’ll all get the chance to do it together!

Sprucing Up…

Well, it’s high time I did some sprucing up around here. I know it’s been a while since I’ve been heard from, but in my defense, it’s been a long few months since I’ve started going though what has become the biggest challenge of my life.

Some of you may have noticed that I placed some YouTube videos of gaming up here on the blog. Well, I hope to be placing more up soon. It’s time I got back into doing some of the things I like to do. And I’m slowly healing. Slowly, but surely.

Song Playing: Hands to Heaven-Breathe

Spotify has become my best friend of late. Yes, I know about the controversy. No, I honestly don’t care… And, keep your opinion on it to yourself. I’m there to listen to music, and Sci-Fi audio drama. It’s time to get back to me again.

So, with that in mind, I’m going to be changing things around here, and getting back to doing some of the things I do best. And, hoping that I gain a few more friends.

Hopefully, I’ll be spending some time on Twitch today, playing some Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and saying Hello to some folks along the way… Will let everyone know on Facebook, and Twitter when that happens.

For now, I’m off to the land of getting some much needed cleaning done, and laundry gathering, and just hanging out here at home.

Will be seeing you all soon!

Too Damn Long…

Well, it’s been too damn long since Isat down, and actually wrote a post on this thing, let alone tried to do anything with this blog. Over a year in fact. Alot has changed. A LOT.

Most of you know that I went through a robbery at work back in 2020. Recovered from that and returned to work for a franchisee for 7-11. Better hours, better pay. Until about a month ago. When an unknown infection set up in my right foot and caused havoc. Lost the last 2 toes on my right foot and found out I’m diabetic… Yeah. That’s been fun. I’m still going through the issues with the infection in my foot. Debridement will be happening soon. Will be checking myself into the hospital Monday to start that. But, for now, I’m home after a 21 day stay in the hospital the first time around. and dealing with all the information I’ve gotten in that short period of time. To say that this has been a scary, frustrating, horrible, humbling time is the understatement of 2021. Right now, I’m still processing all that info, and dealing with paperwork coming out of my backside, and the meds, and all of the fun that goes with that.

Also, I do have some other news. I’ve been able to set-up a twitch channel, and YouTube as well, for what I’m calling “The StreamHouse” a video channel for the games I like to play, and videos I make from time to time. Links will be over there on the right if you’d like to check some of this stuff out. I know it’s been a while since I’ve really done anything with Twitch, or YouTube, but please know that Because of recent events, I’m trying to get all of the things going on straightened out, so I can get back to doing videos again.

For now, just know I’m hanging in, and trying to make the best of a really rough situation. But I’ll make it through… Somehow.

See you all later on, on Twitch hopefully!

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